5 Natural Ways to Deal with Anxiety

Young blonde woman with her hair blown across her face. Background is blurred sunset over the ocean.

Anxiety is the most common mental health illness worldwide. It is estimated that as many as a third of the population in the US suffer from it. While it is the most prevalent, it is also the most treatable.

Addressing anxiety can be a daunting task, but it is important to learn your triggers and how to cope and deal with anxious moments. While some choose to use medication to ease their anxiety, there are natural ways to reduce the anxiety you feel in your life.

Here are five natural remedies to better cope with anxiety.

1. Limit Caffeine Intake

Because caffeine is a stimulant, it can affect not only the brain and body but anxiety as well. Moderate amounts of caffeine can be safe for most people, but if you notice that your morning coffee is causing your anxious thoughts to race, it’s a sign to start cutting back.

Since caffeine withdrawal can create difficulties, start by reducing your intake. You can start by making your coffee pot half-caf or by drinking a cup of decaf between regular cups. Find ways to slowly decrease your intake over the course of a week or two and see if you notice any difference.

Additionally, increased hydration has a proven effect on lowering anxious feelings. Before reaching for a can of your favorite energy drink, try a glass of water first. If you find it difficult to drink water by itself, there are plenty of electrolyte substitutes you can add to your water to make it more palatable.

2. Prioritize Sleep

Many studies have shown that a good night’s sleep is key to maintaining positive mental health. The CDC recommends that adults sleep seven or more hours every night.

If your anxiety makes it difficult to fall asleep, you can take small steps to encourage better sleep at night. Turn electronics off 30 minutes before bedtime. You should also maintain a steady schedule for when you go to bed and when you wake up. Make sure to create the optimal sleep environment by keeping your room dark, your bed uncluttered and cozy, and the temperature moderate.

These changes can help regulate your circadian rhythm and prepare your body to wind down after the day’s events.

3. Stay Active

Regular exercise improves your physical and mental health and helps decrease anxiety levels. Taking time for your physical health has many benefits for your mental health. Exercise can be used to help divert your attention from things that are making you feel anxious.

What type of exercise is best will be a personal preference. You don’t need hours of rigorous activity to see benefits. Even 30 minutes of mild to moderate cardio can offer great rewards. Increasing your heart rate helps improve serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels.

Group of people taking a yoga class and doing a side stretch. Picture is taken from behind.

4. Meditation

Meditation allows you to focus on the present moment and identify thoughts in a non-judgmental way. This can help promote a sense of calm and increase your ability to tolerate anxious feelings and thoughts.

Yoga is an excellent mindfulness-based practice that has the added benefit of exercise. You can take a class a few times a week at a local gym or practice in the comfort of your own home through video tutorials on the internet.

5. Therapy

One of the greatest ways to address anxiety in your life is by seeing a trained therapist or counselor. They are trained to help you find the roots of your anxiety and help reframe your relationship to it. They can give you the practical tools to combat anxiety and discover the inner strength to rise above it.

Are you interested in meeting with a therapist at Essential Insights Counseling Center to begin your healing journey? Schedule your free phone consultation online today!


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